Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day Three...

Not much to say today, as my day has been a little hard to handle... I've had this big headache all day, but what could I do with a little one ready for a whole day of playtime and exercise?!? 
I can usually count on my husband on a day like this, but with him on duty today, I had no choice but to try to make the best of my day and my headache for my son.
We didn't go anywhere since I wasn't feeling that good, but we had plenty of action going on in the house... He helped me by being patient while I took care of some things around the house, and then we played with his cars, played piano on my iPad, watched some tv for a little bit, used some of his flash cards for a while, and we read some books... 
I took random pictures of all of this and some of him as we ate lunch and dinner, and after looking at all 120 pictures, I chose this one... I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
Now I am going to let you guys go and try to rest and hope that this headache is gone by the morning. You guys have a great night and I will be back tomorrow. :)


  1. Oh goodness, I love this picture. I hope he really likes books as much as his mother & grandma. Get better my little girl, & we can talk whenever you feel like it. Now rest. I love you both. Always mom

  2. Look at that cute little boy "reading"! Hope your feeling better. (BTW, I tend to take 50 million pictures as well just to pick one. Trying to be more deliberate about my photo taking so I don't have to go through so many afterwards. hehe)

    1. Thanks Yazmin, it helps knowing Im not the only one taking millions of pics to choose from hehehe!!
      So are you doing a Project 365 or a 52?
